Leeann hosts Live At The Barn Dance streaming every Sunday 12:30-1 pm

Join us for live streaming here- facebook.com/leeannsbarndance/live

Please consider a donation through Venmo or PayPal via the links below.

Step into the heart of the Barn and Leeann, from the comfort of your own home- until we can be closer together again. Via Facebook Livestream this Sunday and Every Sunday at 12:30 pm. 

Songs, stories, conversation, special requests! I will schedule special guests as the weeks progress and share music with y’all. Until we can eat, drink, dance, and be merry in our sweet crowd, let’s get to know each other a little better this way!

Donate here: venmo.com/Leeann-Atherton or use the scan code below or Paypal.me/LeeannAtherton

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Or you can send a secure donation via PayPal